Carbon Capture Coalition (Observer)

The Carbon Capture Coalition is a nonpartisan collaboration of more than 100 companies, unions, conservation and environmental policy organizations, building federal policy support to enable economywide, commercial scale deployment of carbon management technologies. This includes carbon capture, removal, transport, reuse, and storage from industrial facilities, power plants, and ambient air. Members of the Coalition work together to advocate for the full portfolio of policies required to commercialize a domestic carbon management sector and inform policymakers as well as stakeholders on the essential role this suite of technologies must play in achieving these shared objectives.

Economywide adoption of carbon management technologies are critical to achieving net zero emissions to meet midcentury climate goals, strengthening and decarbonizing domestic energy, industrial production and manufacturing, and, retaining and expanding a high-wage jobs base. Successful commercial deployment of these technologies requires prioritizing meaningful engagement and consultation with local communities as well as associated workforce development.

Convened by the Great Plains Institute, Coalition membership includes industry, energy, and technology companies; energy and industrial labor unions; and conservation, environmental, and energy policy organizations.